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Cruelty Squad
Custom Content

Bonsoir dear Cruelty Squad community,

As you may have heard, the results of the European Parliament elections and Macron's move to the dissolve the parliament and to set-up snap legislative elections have put France in a tense turning-point. By the end of the month, the Front National may be elected into power.

This urgent danger of Fascism only accentuates my dispersion and unavailability that was already present for the past-half of the year.
Running Cruelty Squad Custom Content has always been a pleasure, but I can no longer do it alone, and may not be able to do it at all up until next autumn at least.

Therefore I have decided to entrust DX for the continuation and maintainment of this site!
Please great him as the new content manager of CruSCC!
My role with this website as of right now will be retreated to owner, bills-payer and technical advisor.

See you all again soon enought and thank you all for this amazing community!
Vive l'antifascisme, vive la lutte des classes!

- De Sinople